Past Shows
Photos and descriptions of our favorite Society of Sin burlesque and variety shows

Batman Burlesque at The Shadowbox Theatre in New Orleans, March 2014, after one of many sold out shows Photo: Savage Light Studios

Baron Reinhardt as Joker and Xena Zeit-Geist as Batman in Arkham ASS-ylum: A Batman Burlesque Play in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre Photo: Sergio Lobo Navia

Honey Tangerine as C. O. Aaron Cash wrangling Gotham's sexiest super villains in this cheeky New Orleans burlesque show at the Shadowbox Photo: Sergio Lobo Navia

Batman Burlesque at The Shadowbox Theatre in New Orleans, March 2014, after one of many sold out shows Photo: Savage Light Studios
Arkham ASS-ylum:
A Batman Burlesque Play
Having sold out every single night we've put it on, Arkham ASS-ylum is best described as a sexy comedy that everyone can enjoy. The play takes place in Arkham Asylum and features villains such as Riddler, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Penguin, Joker, and Harley Quinn. With burlesque, boylesque, sideshow, a musical number, and much more, this show is sure to keep anyone entertained. Contact us about bringing Batman burlesque to a theatre near you!

The Nightman Cometh: A Burlesque Musical by The Society of Sin Spooky LeStrange, Persé Fanny, Vincent Gallant, and Amen Five in the "Day Man" number Adapted & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist May-June 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre

"In the 70s everybody did theater naked. Everybody got laid all the time." Spooky LeStrange doing her Frank striptease The Nightman Cometh: A Burlesque Musical by The Society of Sin Adapted & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist May-June 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre

The Nightman Cometh: A Burlesque Musical by The Society of Sin Adapted & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist May-June 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre Spooky LeStrange as Frank Reynolds/Antonio the Troll Honey Tangerine as Artemis DuBois Amen Five as Mac/Nightman Vincent Gallant as Dennis Reynolds/Lead Boy/Dayman Persé Fanny as Dee Reynolds/Princess who Works in a Coffee Shop Lydia Treats as The Waitress Xena Zeit-Geist as Charlie Kelly

The Nightman Cometh: A Burlesque Musical by The Society of Sin Spooky LeStrange, Persé Fanny, Vincent Gallant, and Amen Five in the "Day Man" number Adapted & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist May-June 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre
It's Always Sunny in Burlesque: The Nightman Cometh
From the minds that brought you Arkham ASS-ylum comes an even sexier take on your favorite episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Join Charlie, Dee, Dennis, Mac, Frank, and Artemis in a live version of Charlie's "The Nightman Cometh" musical, now with more big-breasted ladies, twerking, stripteases, karate, friendship, booze, and other musical stuff!

A New Orleans-style Shakespeare Burlesque Comedy presented by The Society of Sin Xena Zeit-Geist, Persé Fanny, Roux LaLa, and Cherry Bombshell as N.O.T.A.L.E.N.T., the Actor's Guild Adapted & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist July-August 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre

A New Orleans-style Shakespeare Burlesque Comedy presented by The Society of Sin Xena Zeit-Geist as Titania Adapted & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist July-August 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre

A New Orleans-style Shakespeare Burlesque Comedy presented by The Society of Sin Xena Zeit-Geist, Persé Fanny, Roux LaLa, Cherry Bombshell, Dr. Strangelove, Melody Thick, Vincent Gallant, Baron Reinhardt, Remy Dee Adapted & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist July-August 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre

A New Orleans-style Shakespeare Burlesque Comedy presented by The Society of Sin Xena Zeit-Geist, Persé Fanny, Roux LaLa, and Cherry Bombshell as N.O.T.A.L.E.N.T., the Actor's Guild Adapted & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist July-August 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre
A Midsummer Night's Wet Dream: A New Orleans-style Shakespeare Burlesque Comedy
If you thought Shakespeare was boring in high school, we'll change your mind. Prepare yourself for the dirtiest, most hilarious retelling of A Midsummer Night's Dream imaginable—New Orleans-style. Created by The Society of Sin, the burlesque and variety troupe that brought you Arkham ASSylum: A Batman Burlesque Play and It's Always Sunny in Burlesque: The Nightman Cometh, A Midsummer Night's Wet Dream is a good time for all, whether you're a literature buff or just someone who enjoys watching hotties dance in the buff.

A Game of Thrones Burlesque Show presented by The Society of Sin Raffle winner dance with the cast September-October 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre

A Game of Thrones Burlesque Show presented by The Society of Sin Jon Snow, Daenerys Stormborn, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark, played by Amen Five, Xena Zeit-Geist, Cherry Bombshell, Samwise Windstorm, Nymphadora September-October 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre

A Game of Thrones Burlesque Show presented by The Society of Sin September-October 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre

A Game of Thrones Burlesque Show presented by The Society of Sin Raffle winner dance with the cast September-October 2014 in New Orleans at The Shadowbox Theatre
A Thong of Ice & Fire: A Game of Thrones Burlesque Play
You are cordially invited to the wedding of Joffrey Baratheon and Sansa Stark—now with more nudity, er, at least as much nudity as the beloved book and television series! Join the stark-naked Starks, the lustful Lannisters, bare-assed Baratheons, and your other favorite Game of Thrones characters for a burlesque event you won't forget! This live-action Game of Thrones fan fiction is fun for everyone from casual fans to die-hard Thronies. Be warned: Winter is cumming.

May Hemmer as Hedwig, Lydia Treats as Dobby, Nymphadora as Luna Lovegood, Cherry Bombshell as Hermione Granger

Nymphadora as Luna Lovegood, Melody Thick hosting as Rita Skeeter

Sponsored by Wizard World Comic Con and From Beyond Geek Boutique

May Hemmer as Hedwig, Lydia Treats as Dobby, Nymphadora as Luna Lovegood, Cherry Bombshell as Hermione Granger
Harry Potter Burlesque & Yule Ball Dance Party
The Society of Sin closed out the 2015 New Orleans Wizard World Comic Con in style with a Harry Potter burlesque play of the most magical sort, followed by our first-annual Yule Ball Dance Party, where witches and wizards can got down all night alongside Hogwarts' finest go-go dancers. Our costume contests, raffles, and drinks were so fine you'd swear you were at The Three Broomsticks. An official event sponsored by the 2015 New Orleans Wizard World Comic Con.

The Society of Sin in Dungeons & Dragon Queens: A Live Action Pen & Pasties Burlesque RPG Cherry Bombshell as Pussywillow the Wood Elf Ranger Xena Zeit-Geist as Carnivora the Tiefling Sorceress Queenie O'Hart as Afreya the Dwarf Cleric Pappa Razzi as Sir Blaine of Kennedy the Human Fighter Darling Darla James as Mombi Nightsparkle the Drow Assassin Madonnathan as Dragon Queen Nymphodite

The Society of Sin in Dungeons & Dragon Queens: A Live Action Pen & Pasties Burlesque RPG Cherry Bombshell as Pussywillow the Wood Elf Ranger Xena Zeit-Geist as Carnivora the Tiefling Sorceress Queenie O'Hart as Afreya the Dwarf Cleric Pappa Razzi as Sir Blaine of Kennedy the Human Fighter Darling Darla James as Mombi Nightsparkle the Drow Assassin Madonnathan as Dragon Queen Nymphodite

The Society of Sin in Dungeons & Dragon Queens: A Live Action Pen & Pasties Burlesque RPG Cherry Bombshell as Pussywillow the Wood Elf Ranger Xena Zeit-Geist as Carnivora the Tiefling Sorceress Queenie O'Hart as Afreya the Dwarf Cleric Pappa Razzi as Sir Blaine of Kennedy the Human Fighter Darling Darla James as Mombi Nightsparkle the Drow Assassin Madonnathan as Dragon Queen Nymphodite DM Stevie Poundcake Adventurers: J. Alfred Potter, Amber Luning, Mark Bryan, and Tim Dickinson

The Society of Sin in Dungeons & Dragon Queens: A Live Action Pen & Pasties Burlesque RPG Cherry Bombshell as Pussywillow the Wood Elf Ranger Xena Zeit-Geist as Carnivora the Tiefling Sorceress Queenie O'Hart as Afreya the Dwarf Cleric Pappa Razzi as Sir Blaine of Kennedy the Human Fighter Darling Darla James as Mombi Nightsparkle the Drow Assassin Madonnathan as Dragon Queen Nymphodite
Dungeons & Dragon Queens: A Live Action Pen & Pasties Burlesque RPG
Based loosely on Dungeons & Dragons, this pen and pasties RPG relies on audience interaction to guide the story along, choose-your-own-adventure style. Hosted by (Sex) Dungeon Master Stevie Poundcake, Dungeons & Drag Queens will bring together four playable adventurers—a human fighter (Pappa Razzi), a dwarf cleric (Queenie O'Hart), a tiefling wizard (Xena Zeit-Geist), and an elf rogue (Cherry Bombshell)—on a quest for an ancient treasure guarded by The Queen of the Dragons (Madonnathan) and her dark elf assassins (Darling Darla James). Sponsored by From Beyond Geek Boutique with treasure you can win from their store!

A Boylesque Revue by The Society of Sin & Accessible Comedy at Mag's 940

A Boylesque Revue by The Society of Sin & Accessible Comedy at Mag's 940
Bring On The Men: An All-Male Revue!
Accessible Comedy and The Society of Sin come together to bring to you an all-male burlesque revue benefitting the NO/AIDS Task Force. Join host Melody Thick and boylesque performers Stevie Poundcake, Leg Luthor, Dr. Strangelove, Clay Mazing, Amen Five for an evening of boylesque at Mag's 940. Musical performances by Queenie O'Hart and Melody Thick. Comedy by Jade Patton. This show was produced by J. Alfred Potter of Accessible Comedy and The Society of Sin. Learn more about the show in this article from The Gambit!

Pulp Science Fiction Star Wars Burlesque The Society of Sin Nymph Adora as Chewbacca Cherry Bombshell as Marvin the Ewok Pappa Razzi as Han Solo

Pulp Science Fiction Star Wars Burlesque The Society of Sin Xena Zeit-Geist as Darth Vader Spooky LeStrange as Luke Skywalker

Pulp Science Fiction: A Star Wars Burlseque Play at Eiffel Society

Pulp Science Fiction Star Wars Burlesque The Society of Sin Nymph Adora as Chewbacca Cherry Bombshell as Marvin the Ewok Pappa Razzi as Han Solo

Cherry Bombshell as Cheryl Tunt, Remy Dee as Trinette Magoon, Xena Zeit-Geist as Katya Kazanova Photo: Hunter Thomas

Nicole Lynn Foxx as Lana Kane Photo: Hunter Thomas

Written & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist

Cherry Bombshell as Cheryl Tunt, Remy Dee as Trinette Magoon, Xena Zeit-Geist as Katya Kazanova Photo: Hunter Thomas
Pulp Science Fiction: A Star Wars Burlesque Play
This screwball Pulp Fiction/Star Wars crossover burlesque play was one of our biggest shows yet, selling out at Eiffel Society to a crowd of over 500 people. Starring Pappa Razzi as a Bible-verse reading, Deep Sarlaac Burger-eating hitman Han Solo with Nymph Adora as his partner Chewbacca and Xena Zeit-Geist as Princess Leia Organa/Darth Vader's body, Pulp Science Fiction was a resounding success. Other cast members included: Spooky LeStrange as Luke Skywalker, Amen Five as Ewok/Darth Vader's voice, Ash Wednesday as Boon the Ewok, Cherry Bombshell as R2-D2/Jabba the Slutt/Marvin the Ewok, Leg Luthor as C-3PO, The Manaical Menace as Lando, Stevie Poundcake as Yoda/Obi-Wan.
Archer's Angels: A Sploosh-tastic Burlesque Parody
Presented by The Society of Sin in conjunction with The Reverend Spooky LeStrange & Her Billion Dollar Baby Dolls, Archer's Angels is like a lost episode of the hit FX spy comedy, Archer. It's a typical day at the office at ISIS filled with experiemental truth serum, workplace affairs, and a lot of ants. Cast members include: Queenie O'Hart as Pam Poovey, Cherry Bombshell as Cheryl Tunt, Xena Zeit-Geist as Katya/Krieger's Virtual Girlfriend, Chuck La Beef as Cyril Figgus, Honey Tangerine as Malory Archer, Nicole Lynn Foxx as Lana Kane, Remy Dee as Trinette Magoon, Lydia Treats as Krieger, DC Harbold & The Reverend Spooky LeStrange sharing the part of Sterling Archer, David White as Woodhouse, and Ash Wednesday as Babou.

The cast of Serenitease and the raffle winner Photo: Kriss Hoffman

Xena Zeit-Geist as Captain Mal The Maniacal Menace as Zoë Photo: Kriss Hoffman

Serenitease: A Firefly Burlesque Play presented by The Society of Sin Written & Directed by Xena Zeit-Geist Flyer Art by Xena Zeit-Geist

The cast of Serenitease and the raffle winner Photo: Kriss Hoffman
Serenitease: A Firefly Burlesque Play
From the troupe that brought you Pulp Science Fiction: A Star Wars Burlesque Show, Arkham ASS-ylum: A Batman Burlesque Play, and Talk Nerdy To Me: A Weekly Nerdlesque Revue comes Serenitease: The Shiniest Burlesque in the 'Verse! The Society of Sin aimed to misbehave in bringing New Orleans a very special lost episode of the beloved and too short lived Joss Whedon series Firefly—extra shiny, full of striptease and gender bending surprises! Cast members included Xena Zeit-Geist as Captain Reynolds, Stevie Poundcake as Inara Serra, The Maniacal Menace as Zoë Washburne, Cherry Bombshell as Simon Tam, Harvey Wallbanger as River Tam, Miss Monarch M as Jayne Cobb, Queenie O'Hart as Wash, Pappa Razzi as Kaylee Frye and hosted by Madonnathan Hastings and The Lady Lucerne. Stagehands of Blue: Azazel von Satan and Ivy Dripp.

Xena Zeit-Geist, Queenie O'Hart, Cherry Bombshell, and Stevie Poundcake performing an "Over the Moon" group burlesque number (from RENT) at The Society of Sin's Broadway burlesque show "Take It Off Broadway" in New Orleans Photo: Kriss Hoffman

Chicago Burlesque Xena Zeit-Geist as Roxie Hart and Cherry Bombshell as Velma Kelly from The Society of Sin's "Take It Off Broadway" Photo: Kriss Hoffman

Take It Off Broadway, a burlesque tribute to The Society of Sin's favorite Broadway musicals

Xena Zeit-Geist, Queenie O'Hart, Cherry Bombshell, and Stevie Poundcake performing an "Over the Moon" group burlesque number (from RENT) at The Society of Sin's Broadway burlesque show "Take It Off Broadway" in New Orleans Photo: Kriss Hoffman
Take It Off Broadway: A Burlesque Tribute to Broadway Musicals
The Society of Sin, the troupe that brought you Pulp Science Fiction: A Star Wars Burlesque Play, Archer's Angels: A Sploosh-tastic Burlesque Parody, and The Vice Is Right: A Weekly Burlesque Game Show strutting their stuff at EIFFEL SOCIETY once again, this time in an ode to their favorite Broadway musicals, including tributes to Chicago, Wicked, Beauty & the Beast, Into the Woods, and more! Cast includes Xena Zeit-Geist, Cherry Bombshell, Stevie Poundcake, Queenie O'Hart, and host Danger Rockwell with stage kittens Ivy Dripp, Ash Wednesday, and Darling Darla James!

Nikki LeVillain as the hottest Dalek ever Doctor Who-Ha: A Burlesque Play presented by The Society of Sin Photo: Kriss Hoffman

Nikki LeVillain as the hottest Dalek ever Doctor Who-Ha: A Burlesque Play presented by The Society of Sin Photo: Kriss Hoffman

Nikki LeVillain as the hottest Dalek ever Doctor Who-Ha: A Burlesque Play presented by The Society of Sin Photo: Kriss Hoffman